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Membership Application and Renewal

This form can be used by new players signing up for the first time or current and past members who are renewing their membership.


Please enter you first name
Please enter you last name
A valid email address is a required for ongoing communications from the club.
For international phone numbers prefix the country code a plus '+' sign. For example +64123456789
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Your date of Birth is required for correct team placement.
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Unfortunately there maybe a time when a person close to you may need to be contacted to let them know you have been injured and need assistance. It is optional, but we encourage people to provide this information.

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For international phone numbers prefix the country code a plus '+' sign. For example +64123456789
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Please select a payment option

Direct Debit

Bendigo Bank
BSB - 633000
Account No. - 209152313
Account Name - Australian Myths & Legends Inc.
Please include your name in the reference field.


Driect Debit with PayID

0466 304 692 Mobile
Australian Myths & Legends Inc
Please include a name in the reference field.



Payment by cash is accepted at Training sessions and by prior arrangement at other times. The preference is for monies to be directly paid tot he club bank accounts rather than replying on individuals to get the money to the Treasurer.

Credit Card

 Payments by Credit Card are made available to our International players who don't normally have access to Australian bank accounts.

If you are an Australian resident please use one of the direct debit or cash payment options to avoid the card processing fees that M&L will incur.

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Please read the Code of Conduct before continuing.

You will need to accept the Code of Conduct to be eligible to join Myths and Legends.